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The Orphans of Ukraine: I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

God is so funny. I have actually laughed at Him in the last couple of
days. Thank you, Patti Shivers, for forcing me to live out of a carry on
all week. Yes, that's my bag in the picture. And yes, people did stare
at me as I took a picture of it while waiting to board. I got to the
check in counter and cringed as they weighed the bags I was checking.
The weight limit for 2 bags is 100 lbs. These were 120 lbs. The agent
went on to explain overage fees and payment options. Before I could pull
my credit card from the backpack, she asked me, "what's in the bags?"
When I told her, she waved my attempt to offer payment away. Thanks for
being there, God.

Let me tell you another sweet intervention of God. As I was getting my
things Thursday in preparation for the trip, I was bemoaning the fact
that I didn't have a good camera of my own to document the trip and the
children I will meet. I stood at a checkout counter with this great
camera in hand and fought with whether or not I was justified to go into
debt for such an item. I couldn't go through with it and begrudgingly
placed the items back. Friday morning I was talking with Liz Miller who
was subbing at the high school and she offers to let me take her camera
on the trip! And it was the exact same camera!!! Coincidence? I don't
think so.

I should be boarding in a few moments. I have a 6 hour layover in DC, so
I'm sure I'll find time to post again. Oh, and one last thought. Darn
that devotion this week, Anthony Bocciardi. I'm in the car this moring
and Matthew 5:23-24 is going through my head. I found myself needing to
contact someone and have a conversation at 5:45. I'm sure now they have
a whole new grudge against me . . .


Blogger patti said...

So did you ACTUALLY call Anthony this morning at 5 45?? Ive got to hear that one!!! God is so amazing. I love love LOVE it how HE is just going to suprize you Les, on the way...that little incident at the airport was just the beginning!!! I was reading on Friday the BLOG from Invisible Children and was reveling in what God does when we take away OUR limitations....HMmmmmmm makes me wonder if living outside the box of convention is what He wants us to do to actually show us what He is made of...I trust God for the mundane things: electricity, my car starting... my credit card working....being able to walk every morning, breathe every night...but would I really trust him with the big things: leaving my family. Traveling to a forgein country. Living without my necessities. Not having diet coke on hand... As I vaccumed my carpet this morning it had a new flair to it. I wonder how much I limit God because of my lack of faith. Gotta read that account of Jesus raising that little girl from the dead!
Im so praying for you sweet friend. I did wake up about 6 30 and whisper a prayer for your safe journey! Enjoy the quiet times too Leslie!

Saturday, April 29, 2006 1:08:00 PM  

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